Protect your home using our emergency solution relying on our 24/7 quality repair interventions by certified, reliable providers.
From emergency to on demand: becoming your one stop shop service provider
Home is where your customers need and expect immediate support when something goes wrong (water leak, locksimth issue, broken hot water tank...). We can all contribute to our customers’ peace of mind by providing assistance in case of emergency, as well as for daily life needs, not only for their home and belongings but also for people living or working in their homes.
We help you look after the comfort and security of your customers at home by providing them a 24/7 support.
Customers/partners can choose between insurance products or pay-per-use services.
- +10,000
+10,000providers in 22 countries
covering all areas of intervention including plumbing, electricity, heating and locksmiths
AXA Partners’ Business Partners Satisfaction Survey B-Pulse, Dec. 2020 - +1.3
cases handled worldwide
AXA Partners’ Business Partners Satisfaction Survey B-Pulse, Dec. 2020 - <2 hours
<2 hoursthe average time
it takes for a provider to arrive at the premises to end the emergency situation
AXA Partners’ Business Partners Satisfaction Survey B-Pulse, Dec. 2020

Since 2020, Home services are at the forefront of customers’ needs
In the current environment, people are spending much more time in their homes (working, retiring...) and consumption of Home Services is strongly increasing. We have actively invested to bring customers reassuring home solutions in all circumstances.
- An enriched and comprehensive value proposition from emergency to day to day home services
- A trusted network of accredited craftsmen
- State of the art 24/7 operations
Our home solutions range from heating, boiler, plumbing, gas, electricity to new innovative services such as solar panel assistance, electrical vehicles’ charging station installation, or breakdown assistance.

Staying one step ahead in a changing world
With the development of remote working and connected objects (sensors, smart speakers), customers today are facing new emerging needs (well-being at home, energy management, green eco-friendly products/solutions…). They are more demanding than ever. We are pioneer in today’s fast-changing world, delivering new solutions in fully automatized and digitalized ways to answer customer expectations and to help enhance loyalty.
Our DNA is to meet customers’ new expectations with innovation and enriched value propositions.
Combining high-quality emergency and comfort services
Offering 24/7 services to your customers, to answer their new emerging needs.
Our range of solutions
Leveraging Innovation to deliver customer centric solutions
- We addresses new customer needs with simplified, personalized, and seamless experiences.
- We provide digitalized and automatized solutions to deliver a state of the art 24/7 customer experience.
- We constantly enrich our offers with emergency and non-emergency solutions to ensure customers will be served in any circumstances.
- Our capabilities could give us the flexibility to consider developing new services customers could expect.
- In line with our policy of “One AXA” and “Customer First,” we design our services to be simple, rapid, and intuitive.
Reinsurance Expert view local

Alexis de Beauregard
Head of Home Business Line, AXA Partners
Spending more time in their homes, people seek comfort & serenity but consume ever more services, looking for rapid interventions and convenience. At AXA Partners, we constantly invest in enhancing our state of the art multi-channel customer experience (phone & digital) but also in enriching our range of services to ensure we always stand close to your customers and serve them the best they expect.