Keeping the Automotive Industry ahead of the new mobility trends.
The automotive industry has entered a period of deep structural transformation. With the rise of connectivity and digitization, electric vehicles, autonomous cars and shared mobility are strongly impacting the sector. We help you respond to these new challenges by designing solutions with you to implement integrated and comprehensive proposals. This way, we help you bring more comfort to your customers.

Helping you design protection solutions to adapt to new customer needs
Mobility as a service is an important upcoming trend. We help you promote car sales, generate additional revenue, and strengthen customer loyalty. In addition, we define differentiating solutions like Road Assistance which protects motorists against accidents, vandalism, damage and guarantees their peace of mind with 24/7 assistance. Furthermore, our mobility solutions (Extended Warranty, Repair Quote Analysis, Tyre Warranty) will keep your customers moving comfortably and more confidently.

Partnering with you to encourage new forms of mobility
The fear of a breakdown caused by not finding a charging station is a major obstacle to adopting electric vehicles. That’s why we developed “Mobility maintenance,” with Zeplug an operator of charging stations for electric and hybrid vehicles. So, we make sure your customers have no recharging problems, feel reassured and build their loyalty.

Meeting and exceeding your customers’ full protection expectations
Today, everyone expects a personalized experience in terms of assistance and protection. Responsiveness through end-to-end assistance, whenever or wherever they are is assumed. Our Roadside Assistance offers guaranteed mobility anywhere, peace of mind, 24/7 service, digital notifications, and technical assistance. We provide a unified experience in terms of service quality, support and maximum responsiveness to full support for drivers and passengers. Simply put, we combine the best of human and digital to optimize customer satisfaction.

Keep your customers mobile with our Roadside Assistance
Our Roadside Assistance is seamless, easy and reliable for your customers. We offer a qualified intervention team with global coverage, a network dedicated to electric cars, on-demand towing service, human-digital services, use of Telematics for automatic bcall (breakdown call) and more. Everything to ensure customer mobility, peace of mind, 24/7 service, digital notifications, and technical assistance.

24/7 Road Assistance at your fingertips
Today 36% of customers* are ready to use geolocation when in need of roadside assistance. So we developed E-Rescue, our innovative online claims notification solution, to simplify the experience for your customers in the event of a motor breakdown. They can request assistance from their cell phone, 24/7. While Here With You offers real-time updates of the arrival time of the mechanic. Combining our expertise with mobile communication channels, we set up new assistance services both before and after the event.
*CX Survey on customers’ relationship preferences regarding communication channels for assistance. Conducted by BVA between 28/02/2020 and 25/03/2020 with 1,200 respondents in Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK.

Helping your customers feel more secure driving their electric cars
With autonomous driving and fully connected cars becoming more popular, you need to adapt to your customers’ behaviors. By collaborating with you, we build solutions to protect all types of driving habits, to secure the future of mobility and invent new solutions to accompany your customers. These solutions include ways to protect the investment, Extended Warranty for car, Installation Maintenance and Repair, Roadside Assistance for EV and more.